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The Need to Say NO TO CULTISM In Ankpa LGA by Hon. Ahmed Mohammed

The menace of cultism in Ankpa Local Government has reached an alarming stage that requires affirmative action’s from all stakeholders. The scourge of cultism has claimed many lives of our youths and no serious authority can fold its arms and allow it to continue. It appears that the various efforts at curbing the menace have yielded no result.
I just want to shed light on cultism and the need to say NO to Cultism.

The emergence of secret cultism has been characterized by some violent activities which include, physical torture of new recruits, maiming and killing of rival cult members and elimination of real and perceived enemies. To me I see cultism not only as a wrong doctrine but also as bad attitude. Cultism is a barbaric activity that can only harm and mar our youths in the future. Neglecting the values of been a good children, students and future leaders. All the protection promises they make, beautiful girls, No intimidation things, are all LIES from the pit of hell. Destinies are destroyed and lives are cut short. There is more to this life than seeking salvation where there is not. I’m not preaching or giving sermon. I’m just reflecting on the social effect of cultism.

If you are a cultist, all you can get is series of killings in revenge of your death. So while dead, there are still lives that’d be counted on you. This act is a mess and menace to the society at large. Our generation should be the hope of tomorrow, where’s the Hope in cultism?? We are the change needed to pilot this great nation to its Canaan, where’s the change in Cultism??

To tame cult-related activities parents have pivotal role to play; they must inculcate good moral values in their children at home to avoid them exporting anti-social behaviors. In spite the fact that morality matter, the ineffective legal and moral sledgehammers being dangled around by the government and school authorities are not working. Moral education (good character education) no matter how limited should be part of Nigeria’s educational programs. As Theodore Roosevelt was reported to have said “to educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace in a society.” Meanwhile, the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, defined good character as the life of right conducts (right conduct in relation to other persons and in relation to oneself). Thus good character consists of knowing the good, desiring the good and doing the good (habits of the mind, habits of the heart and habits of action).
Most families are astonished to find out that children sent to school to learn and become better human beings in the society have initiated themselves into cult groups.

An idle mind is said to be friends of the devil. Whenever young, impressionable and energetic young men and even women have more time in their hands, they can be dangerous to themselves and to the nation. We must understand the mind set of our children. Parents must be alert to the activities of their children and know who friends of their children are. Our responsibility to rid the nation of cultism begins at home.

Conclusively, the failure of the government to understand the root causes of cultism in the society and to give constant attention to the needs of the youths means mortgaging the future of the nation. And a government that worth the name will not allow such a thing to happen!
I therefore call on all the youths of Ankpa LGA to be good ambassadors of Unity and Peace to the State and work closely with government at all levels to fast track development and defect agents of destabilization and insecurity in the State.

*Things are really falling apart and indeed the falcon can no longer hear the falconer. We should put our heads together. We only Live once……..

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