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Nigerians must guard against break-up prediction’

As Nigeria marks 54 years of nationhood, a senatorial aspirant for Lagos West, Kamal Ayinde Bayewu, has urged all Nigerians to unite and guard against any acts that would lead to the disintegration of the country.

This is just as the Chairman, Police Service Commission (PSC), Mike Okiro, has  advised all Nigerians to remain steadfast and more committed to the task of building an egalitarian society where generations yet unborn would be proud of.

In his Independence message Wednesday, Bayewu said since those wishing for the break-up of the country are hinging their prophecy on the outcome of the 2015 general election, all hands must be on deck to ensure a free, fair and credible election.

The outgoing Chairman of Ajeromi-Ifelodun Local Government also urged the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) headed by Attahiru Jega to be dispassionate in the conduct of the forthcoming election and refrain from giving any undue advantage to any political party.

“We all must ensure that this will not be our last celebration as a corporate entity known as Nigeria as predicted. I believe by God’s grace our beloved country, Nigeria, will not break up,” he stated.

“The only way we can do that is to work towards successful, free and fair elections in 2015 where equity and justice will prevail and INEC as the umpire will shun partisanship,” he said.

In his own message, Okiro commended President Goodluck Jonathan, for his resilience in piloting the affairs of nation, describing it as a ‘regal milestone’.

In a statement signed by his media aide, Supreme Kayode, Okiro said, “the preceding year has tasked our resolve to remain an indivisible entity to the limit, but our collective uncommon determination to weather the storm has seen us emerge more resolute to keep the ship of the state on course.

“While Mr. President’s resilience might have been misconstrued by many, I encourage him to take solace that, posterity would applaud his giant steps taken to revamp our socio-economic life to a point of irreversible transformation.

“Already, the fruits have started manifesting in earnest with our emergence as the foremost economy in the African continent,” he stated.

Okiro, however, maintained that the task of policing a heterogeneous country like Nigeria was very daunting, “but with these laudable achievements so far, I enjoin all Nigerians to continue to support the government in its bold steps to stem the scourge of insecurity and other social vices in the country.”

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