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Obama urges Buhari to develop Nigeria's economy and defeat terrorism

President Obama on Monday urged visiting President Muhammadu Buhari to develop Nigeria's economy and defeat terrorism. He made the statement at the Oval office during the bilateral meeting at the White House.

 Buhari, "has a very clear agenda with respect to rooting out the corruption that has too often held back the economic growth and prosperity of his country," Obama said.

Obama also lauded Buhari for a plan to defeat the terrorist group Boko Haram, as well as "extremists of all sorts inside his country."

The Buhari meeting opened a week devoted largely to Africa issues. Later this week, Obama begins a trip to Kenya and Ethiopia that also emphasizes the development of Africa's economy and improved security against extremist attacks.

In his sit-down with Buhari, Obama also planned to stress "our commitment to strengthening and expanding our partnership with Nigeria's new government, and our support for the Nigerian people following their historic democratic elections and peaceful transfer of power," said a White House statement.

Nigeria is Africa's largest economy, but it is struggling because of the decline in oil prices, the impact of terrorism and government corruption.

Buhari, 72, a former military leader, defeated incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan in a spring election that Obama deemed "historic." Jonathan had clashed with the Obama administration over Boko Haram and military assistance.

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