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Mrs Buhari Charged New Leadership Of NCWS To Review Constitution

As the new leadership of the national council of Women societies set to Work ,Wife of the President Mrs Buhari has advocated for constitution review to accommodate current realities f concern and interest to Nigerian women .

Mrs Aisha Muhammadu Buhari made the suggestion as the Grand patron f the council when the new executive paid her a courtesy visit tuesday at the Presidential Villa .

According to her “Since 2005 ,the constitution has remained same without taking cognizance of new and emerging challenges on issues of women at national and international levels “.

The Wife of the President who asked the leadership to chart a cause for greater future of the council emphasised the importance of bringing everybody on board towards building a strong partnership as enshrined  by their motto which propels “service in unity .

Mrs Buhari commended the successful ,free and fair election of the new executive in most democratic fashion by the women who assembled from all parts of the country to elect a new leadership for the council and promised to render her assistance ,support and guidance to the council .

While speaking earlier the Newly Elected President of the Council Mrs Gloria Shoda regretted that despite the numerical strength of Women n the country ,matters concerning them were relegated to the background attributable to the docile posture of the past executive .

She however promised to initiate programs that will ginger the members into action and overcome seeming challenges that constitute obstacles to their growth and development as an umbrella body harmonizing the activities of the womenfolk .

The national President f the council also commended the motherly role of Mrs Buhari in ensuring a smooth transition in the council and her various efforts in assisting the internally displaced persons who constitute mostly women and children .

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