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Breaking News: Boston marathon bomber sentenced to death

BOSTON — The jury has come to a decision: A death sentence for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, after more than two days of deliberations, the federal jury delivered its verdict around 3pm Eastern US time Friday closing one of the most painful chapters in Boston's history.

The judgment comes from the same group of seven women and five men who found Tsarnaev guilty on all 30 counts related to the April 15, 2013, bomb attacks and four-day manhunt. The jury found him responsible for killing four people, seriously maiming 17 and injuring hundreds more.

In reaching their verdict, the jurors weighed 12 aggravating factors against 21 mitigating factors. They were charged to consider the suffering Tsarnaev caused, his intent, his character and his relationships, among other things.

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