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The Journey So Far In Kogi State Ministry Of Rural Development By Hon. Enema Paul

The journey of a thousand miles they say begin with a step. This, we are conscious of and has always been a guiding stone for us at the Kogi State Ministry of Rural Development. I want to as a matter of fact note it that the success and failure(God forbid) of the Kogi State new direction shall to a large extent be determined by the success of the ministry of rural development. This is because, rural-urban migration has made it very easy to the dwellers to feel the impact of education, basic health, job opportunities and other government policies.
But, rural development must be executed and felt in the rural areas before it could be scored right and that is where the significance of this ministry comes in. Of course, “men are not made wise by the collection of their past but by the responsibility of their future”. Hence, even if we were to slack, having duly understood the expectation and implications of our actions and inaction, we have no choice but to deliver dividends of good governance to the people.

The major problem of rural areas is basic social amenities such as accessible roads, potable water and electricity. One may wonder why schools and good health facilities are not mentioned but this two also form a top priority on the government of his excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello and evidently; they are well captured in the budget and proposals of Kogi State Ministry of education and health.
So, to make life easy for our rural dwellers, the Kogi State ministry of rural development has under my watch paid keen attention to solving the three (road, water and electricity) major problems highlighted here above and our successes so far are as follows;

While the bulk of road construction is entrusted to the ministry of works, lands and housing working hand in hand with the ministry of transportation, we in our deliberate intension to complement whatever effort they are making embarked on the overhauling and supply of general spare parts for

1. CAT 120G 
2. 3304 Engine(Grader) and
3. CAT D8K(Buldozer).

We also overhauled and supplied spare parts for a

1.Mandiseal Truck(Haiab)
2.Roller compactor
3. CAT 950F payloader

In addition to them, we overhauled two German made Mercedes Benz tippers which is currently running with the registration number “KG 11 A27 and  KG 11 A12”. Most interestingly, Kogi State ministry of rural development emerged as one of the few states shortlisted for the world Bank “Rural Access And Mobility Project (RAMP)” which will be constructing a 500km distance feeder roads across the three senatorial districts of the state.


Generally accepted and reasonably, water is life. So, we are not handling it with any joke for the records are clear beyond blur, visible to the blind, audible to the deaf, already quenching thirsts and solving domestic needs.  In this area of water, we have successfully rehabilitated into function motorized boreholes selected at random in the following local governments. Completed and already functioning are at;
Ogalale-Imane (Olamaboro LGA)

Rescucitation and supply of generator in Ihima (Okehi LGA)
Rescucitation and supply of generator to Ogah (Yagba West LGA)
Rescucitation and supply of generator to Elubi Eti-Aja (Dekina LGA)
Rescucitation and supply of generator to Okengwe (Okene LGA) and
Supply of generator to Elubi-Ejefu borehole

Rescucitation and supply of generator to Idi-Oro (Ijumu LGA) In addition to the again are;

Rehabilitation and reticulation of a broken down MDGs (now SDGs) borehole beside Egume police station in Dekina local government area.

Furthermore in our efforts toward affordable, available and all round portable water is the drilling of one motorized borehole and provision of twenty metre cube(20M³) capacity pressed steel overhead tank each in the following local government areas of the state. They are for public confirmation pleasure located at;

1. Agudoko-Okula (Ofu LGA) 
2. Obidoko-Ogugu (Olamaboro LGA)
3.  Zango Daji  ( Adavi LGA)
4. Abobo in Okehi (Okehi LGA)and
5. Bagido/Mopo(Yagba East LGA).

The proceeding efforts is not to say we have done enough in satisfactory regard but to clearly state our commitment to provision of portable water in addition to the efforts of kogi state ministry of water resources.

Ministry of Rural Development also resuscitated the largest rural water supply scheme in Kogi State which was constructed by prince Abubakar Audu before it was abandoned at Ajènèjò-Ã’madènè-Ajakagwu-Odu in Dekina  government area.
Motorized borehole in each 239  wards as contained in the New Direction blueprint is already prioritized as contain in the 2017 budget.


Been that power is keen to the efficient running of industrial and household routines. We considering the rising need of electricity consumption and necessity, most especially to keep electronic gadgets running focus more on making consumable the meagre electric supply which has become endemic in the country. Even as the federal government is working tirelessly to reposition the power sector plus the people oriented ideas of his excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello toward delivering good governance to the people of Kogi State. We are very focused and committed to rural electrification and in evidence therefore is our efforts so far in this regard.
They include the supply of 500KVA transformer to some areas in Lokoja suburb. These areas are;
Supply of 300/11KVA to Meme(Otokiti government housing estate)
Supply and installation of 500/33KVA to Central bank area 1 community
Supply and installation of 500/33KVA to army signal community
Supply of 500/11KVA to Bishop court community-GRA
Supply of 500/11KVA to phase two RCCG region 24
Supply of 500/11KVA to Western Riverside-Lokongoma pahse two.

Ongoing extension of electrification by 33KV overhead line from Zango-Daji junction to Banda in lokoja local government area with Felele and other communities benefiting
Supply of 500KVA transformer to Aye-Gbede community in Ijumu local government.
Electrification and installation of transformer at the Kogi State hajj commission Lokoja.
Still on the electrification works, we have been able to improve the supply of electric power to Abejukolo with;
1. Line tracing from Abejukolo to Ankpa-Òkakèlè-Otukpo round about.
2. Replacements 2 33KVA in Abejukolo town
3. Replacement of 500/33KVA Transformer and earthing work at Ibadòn Akpacha.
4. New Electrification and installation at Ajòmakoji.
5. New Electrification and installation at Òbakumè 1 and 2.
6. New Electrification and installation at Agbènèma.  
7. New Electrification at Ajichèkpa,
8. New Electrification and installation at Ã’pada
9 New Electrification and installation at Ã’leji Community.
(Omala Local Government)

Agassa town power improvement with 7 500/11KVA Transformers
Ogori/Magongo Electrification work building an injection Sub Station of 5MVA
New Electrification at Irepeni Idodenge and Irepeni-Oziokutu(both in Adavi local government).
The ministry have also supplied and installed two 300KVA/11KV/415V to Inozi/Ageva community of Okene local government
300/11KVA Peace development community extension in Ajaokuta  local government area.
It is worthy to note also that we have embarked on a series of partnerships as a means of acquiring counterpart funding. Then, staff welfarism is at its best in the Kogi State ministry of rural development as this is very evident in the harmonious running and inter staff relationship in the ministry. Been that we aim to give rural development our very best. Our doors are widely open in all the concurrent week days to receive proposals and inputs that shall conform with our drive of implementing a meaningful new direction in Kogi state. We so much believe in the positive idea and input of all stakeholders toward the actualization of our vision to be the source and cynosure of exemplary rural development in Nigeria.

At this juncture, I want to quickly put that this is not to seek undeserving praises but to bring to the attention of Kogites what the government is putting in place amidst limited resources and series of distractions which arose from court cases at the inception of this government and opposition antagonism. In fact, we have like no government in the history of Kogi State created many channels of positively engaging with the people. I for one believes in the game of fact than the circulation of propaganda and deceits. Leadership is a trust that must be checked and  balanced via objective criticisms that will set us on track and we are ever ready to listen as long as the messages do not have any iota of selfishness, disregard for public servants and tendencies of discord.
Lastly, I will like to conclude by saying Kogi citizens are averagely educated and exposed enough to ascertain these projects by location and inquiries. While I leave judgement and conclusion to posterity, I wish to as an insider of the Kogi new direction use this medium to invite all able, resourceful, idealistic, progressive and patriotic minded Kogites to join hands with this government in rewriting the history of the state. No doubt, we are on course and because we have no evil intentions, we shall succeed.
Kogi state is rising and of course, in a brand new direction deserving of embrace!

Hon Enema Paul
Honorable Commissioner For Rural Development
Kogi State of Nigeria

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